Taking a phone call? Close your inbox down.

We’ve all been on the wrong end of a phone call when the other party was clacking away at his or her computer. Probably doing email, right? Or maybe that culprit is ourselves? Maybe WE’VE been the ones doing email while the other party is trying to discuss something with us.People can’t do two things at once. We try, but it is physically impossible, just like we can’t be in two places at the same time.

When that inbox is open, it stares us in the face as a temptation. Truth? It IS a temptation!

Here’s a strategy you can try. Minimize or close down your inbox. Simple. Just do it! Then truly focus on the discussion at hand.

The benefits outweigh the milliseconds of productivity you fool yourself into thinking you’ve gained. Your discussion will be more fruitful because you’re fully engaged. It most likely will be shorter because you weren’t distracted causing repeats of information or the other party correcting our “misunderstanding” of dialogue. And, oh yeah, you won’t offend the caller.

You think they can’t hear that clacking? Think again.