Five Email Mistakes to Avoid

Some email blunders are worse than others.  Here are five that can be, shall we say “career limiting.”
  1. Forwarding sensitive, privileged, or “trade secret” company information. Yup, you can be fired for that. In a heartbeat.
  2. Using company email for personal use when it is against company policy. Some companies have very specific policies against personal use of email. You violate it, they find it. You’re gone. In a New York minute.
  3. Taking shots at the company or the boss by email. You may think you’re safe, you’re not. Once it is in the email-o-sphere, it is public domain. It can, and probably will get into the wrong hands. It could take you a long time to dig outa that one.
  4. Passing on ethnic or dirty jokes. This is sure to be against company policy, and once it is forwarded, your name is on the forward for all to see.
  5. Carrying on an affair through email. You’re using company property for personal reasons. All this can be “mined.” So if you think you’re safe, you’re not. All it takes is one scorned spouse to call the HR department…