Praise: A Free Gift of Energy

I’ll bet you could tell me exactly the last time when someone gave you a meaningful compliment. In fact, I’ll bet you can remember exactly what the person said that made your day.

Why do these moments stick in our heads? It’s because they’re too infrequent. So when someone does make the effort to acknowledge something you’ve done, it stays with you a long time. A proverbial ‘pat on the back’ is more than just a memorable occasion. It’s also hugely motivating. Besides remembering what was said, you probably remember the energized, positive and warm feelings that the acknowledgement gave you.

Translate all of the above into your business, organization, or home environment, and it becomes a no-brainer to realize how you can easily inject energy and motivation into the people around you. Since it costs nothing to motivate someone with genuine praise, why do we do it so infrequently?

Recognition of someone’s efforts and achievements is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to reinforce positive behavior patterns and to empower people. It then follows that, the more you recognize and appreciate people’s efforts, the more of a positive influence you can be on their lives.

But tossing out random compliments isn’t going to cut it. If praise is going to have the desired effect, you need to provide an appropriate and realistic acknowledgement.

To maximize your influence, here are some tips:

Be sincere.  Much as people love praise, if it isn’t honest and appropriate, they’re going to question your agenda. When praise is insincere or inappropriate, it also impacts negatively on your credibility.

Be timely.  In the same way that we punish our children quickly after a transgression to reinforce our views on negative and unwanted behavior patterns, so your praise needs to be as soon as possible after the commendable event.

Be creative.  When you mix praise up and provide different forms of acknowledgement, it stays fresh and generates more energy. Envision the energy that can infect the entire department when you publicly and specifically compliment an employee for handling a challenging client. Some managers have a tendency to use the same form of acknowledgement every time. For instance, they share praise only at their staff meetings. After a while, employees might see this as disingenuous or even a procedure, rather than heartfelt.

To keep your praise fresh, here are a few ideas:

*  Post notices or pictures with appreciation comments on a bulletin board.

*  Start a hats-off column in your monthly newsletter.

*  Write a handwritten note.

*  Have balloons delivered.

*  Give a Starbucks gift certificate.

*  Hand out candy or gift cards.

Be specific.  Make sure the person clearly understands why you’re pleased with him or her. Clarify what positive behavior is being reinforced.

Vague:  “You did a good job with that client, Sue”

Specific:  “The way you listened without interrupting, paraphrasing Mrs. Sizemore’s complaint, and then working with her to fix the situation was very effective, Sue.”

Be meaningful. Tailor your style of appreciation to fit the person.  Some people are quiet and analytical, some are outgoing and affable. When energizing an employee with positive feedback modify your communication style to match theirs. They will “hear” your praise more deeply. As an example, a shy person won’t thank you for a loud and public endorsement in a big meeting, but some people thrive on it.

Be selective. Don’t worry about singling out individuals on a team project.  If one member of a project group stood out, tell them why their contribution was particularly valuable, rather than paying lip service to thanking the whole group.

Be mindful. Remember to give praise.  It’s all very well to have good intentions, but until you speak out and do it, an intention is all it will remain.

The Bottom Line? Showing people that they are valued, appreciated and respected unlocks a huge amount of discretionary effort and energy. Giving praise is easy, it’s quick, it’s simple, and above all, it’s free. So, the big question is…”What’s stopping you?”

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