More on Daily Planning

If you read our last post, we’re prescribing the re-invention of the concept of once a day daily planning. Why?Because too many emailers are allowing newly received email messages to trump the plan they’ve already set for the day. Here’s how it works:

Let’s assume that you’ll take the first half-hour of your morning to plan your schedule for the day and to figure out which tasks need your attention. In the planning process, you need to assess e-mail delivered tasks the same way you prioritize other work-related tasks such as return phone calls, meetings, and projects. Once daily, gather and assess ALL your work priorities, and make decisions about how and when you can best use your time. This is when you access your diary system, find the appropriate messages in your action folders, plan meetings, prioritize tasks and phone calls, and set the appropriate schedule that will enable great results for the day.

This can give you the “strength” to look away from those new email messages which are tugging at you, threatening to pull you from what is truly important. Just look at that daily plan, and ask yourself, is this more important than what I’ve already decided? Chances are, it won’t be. Diversion diverted!