Just because we can, should we?

Just because we can, should we? Be connected to our work 24/7, that is?

The advances in digital technology have been truly amazing –enabling us to be connected, well, constantly. With our ability to check email at 2:00 AM, receive phone calls while traveling wherever we are, and hold real time video meetings with clients halfway across the globe, the velocity of progress has grown exponentially. And our abilities to determine our engagement levels become more challenging.

The big challenge for us is that there is enough work, information, and business “stuff” to occupy our every waking minute. So, we know we need to turn it off.

Now, just how and when?

How is pretty simple. Just turn it off. Shut the computer down. Turn the smartphone off. Silence the alerts. Just turn it off!

Remember, we are the thinking ones here. WE can decide that we CAN turn of the electronica. IT does not control us – it is the other way.

So, when you decide your workday is over, let it be over. That chapter of the day is done. Kaput. Believe that it was a job well done and let it go. Transition to a new activity, a new engagement, a new thought pattern.

Breaking from one task to another is healthy. By shutting down your workday so that you and your spouse can have a truly enjoyable dinner can be energizing and fulfilling. Turning the blackberry off as you walk in the door signals to you that it is play time with those anxiously awaiting kids.

To keep both activities “open” essentially serves each only partial attention. If you’ve conversed with someone who was checking his or her smartphone at the same time, you know what I mean. They weren’t all there.

It can be stressful to try to serve two masters at the same time; you can feel like you’re robbing one or cheating the other. Not to mention the rework that can result from not fully engaging the first time.

My best advice is to engage activities in time chunks, and to separate. Shut it down, then open it up.

When you work – work. When you rest – rest. When you play – play. Chunk it up, and watch your results, energy, and satisfaction soar!

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