Email E-ddiction: You Know You’re Addicted When…

Just for fun, we’ve come up with some thought provoking (ok, silly) ways to tell if you’re addicted to your email and inbox:

•You email yourself if you haven’t received email for several minutes, just to make sure the email system hasn’t gone down…

•You look up EVERY time your computer “BRRRINGS” to announce an email…

•You name your pets Mozilla, Firefox and Google

•You name your kids Mozilla, Firefox and Google

•You get upset if you don’t receive a response to your email message in an hour…

•You refer to yourself as your email address when someone asks your name

•You email someone who has thanked you, thanking him or her for thanking you.

•You stop what you are doing to answer an “easy” email, even tho’ it might not be the most important, JUST to knock it off the list…

•You check your email the minute you get outa bed… even if it is the middle of the night

•You ask new acquaintances for their email addresses, not their phone numbers…

•You open your email first, before doing anything else…

•You sleep with your Blackberry nestled under your arm

•You keep more than 1000 items in your inbox at all times…

•You click “send/receive” just to make sure you haven’t “missed” any email…

•You check your spam filters hourly (or less) to make sure you’re not missing anything…

•You email the person sitting in the desk next to you, rather than turn around to ask the question…

Have any others? We’d love to see them… Comment below.

Concerned that you might truly be addicted? Listen to our interview with Dr. Joel Schwartz on the subject.