Email-us Interruptus: The Productivity Sapper!

So, you wonder how businesses can reclaim an hour or more a day with e-mail excellence?

It’s the interruptions!  E-mail has become the 21st Century Gran-daddy Interrupter of the Universe!

An AOL study found that almost 50% of all workers have their e-mail open, and dinging, and flashing – while they work.  That’s one out of two workers.  That means that one outa 2 workers is being interrupted… ALOT. 

The recovery time from the interruption is what matters. It takes time – anywhere from 2 to 8 minutes to get back to the task at hand.  You all know what I’m talking about… you’ve experienced it first hand.

If you walk around your office, COUNT the number of people who have their inboxes open.  Those are the people who’re having a heckuva time getting work done cuz they aren’t allowing themselves to stay focused.

They have evolved this time sapping habit, and most likely have no idea how costly it is to them and to the business. And… habits are hard to break.