Clean Out Your Inbox Week, Day 4: Here’s your Email Writing Productivity Tip– What is Your Main Point?

We’ve been encouraging you to empty your inbox as part of the international Clean Out Your Inbox Week. One more day to go… How’re you doing?

Here is one of our greatest tips for a well-written email:

People have a tendency to build up to a conclusion when they write; this tendency makes it very difficult, at times, for readers to figure out what the main issue or request is. And the longer the email messages, the more difficulty recipients can have to discern the action request, observation, question, or conclusion.

The solution is to put that main request, point, or conclusion in the very first line of your message.

Check this free video tip for more information…

Why it works:
By placing the main point, assignment, or request in the first line of the email, you guarantee that it will be read. With 70% of email message readers skimming, the farther down the road of the message, the less likely it will be read in detail. By putting your main point in the first sentence, you can avoid misinterpretations and get readers focused on exactly what you want, right from the start.

What is your biggest email productivity challenge?

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