Email Efficiency Tip: Top-Down Inbox

Viral Efficiency Tip: Top-Down Inbox

Please forward this tip to every e-mailer you know…

Let’s help each other be more efficient.

Here’s the email efficiency tip:

Sort your newly received e-mail from top to bottom or bottom to top. Don’t scroll looking for the “easy” ones – IT WASTES TIME! View each email, either handle it, delete it, or sort it into a folder to work later, and once it is removed from your inbox, THEN move on to the next one in line.

Just think: every time you scroll looking for “treasure” you waste time.

One thought on “Email Efficiency Tip: Top-Down Inbox”

  1. I love this one! I’ve been using it in my daily email processing time slot, specifically going from oldest to newest message, in order to not have old mail flopping around forever… but the rationale that it saves time in itself is a nice addition!

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