Do you know this Toxic Emailer? Midnight Manny

Manny sends e-mails in the middle of the night. Regularly.

Have you ever received an email sent at 3:30 am? What did you think of the emailer? Was it positive?

Some employees actually think they will impress their bosses and co-workers by sending emails while others are sleeping.  Most people do not view this practice positively. It raises questions about one’s inability to sleep: is this person running on all cylinders at 3 o’clock in the morning; and why is he or she obsessing about this anyway?

 Manny’s Antidote:  Be cautious about this practice. Just as important as managing your work, it is important to manage the impressions you send.  If you are one of those rare folks who does his or her best work in these off hours, your email program most likely has a feature that allows you to delay sending until more conventional business hours.