Dare to count the number of times you check your inbox daily

Here’s something to try:  Pick a day, and Count each time you look at your inbox.  Tic marks are all you need. Go ahead. Then at the end of the day, count them up. How do you stack up? The average is about 70. Not to say that that should be your goal…

We’ve advocated checking your inbox 5 times a day.

So that means that for the average guy or gal, that is 65 less times. Think about this–how much time do you think each of those peeks costs? Most people don’t just look at the inbox, they open a few, and try to get rid of a few. Many unfortuately get drawn into working some of the small stuff just to try to keep the numbers down.

If this feels familiar, don’t despair – you’re not alone.

Believe this: it IS possible to check your email less.  The less you check it the more productive you’ll be. The key is for you to TAKE control of your habits, and decide when you’ll check, rather when your email wants you to…

Join us for our March Madness 1/2 off teleseminar March 24.  Visit http://LeverEdgeCoach.org/teleseminarschedule.html and use MAD50 at checkout.

Your target is 5 times a day. But – never forget to reward incremental progress! 70+= Not so good. 5 = Good

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