Hate Having a Cluttered Desk?

Hate having a Cluttered Desk? Then why are there so many messages in your inbox?

Keeping numerous emails in your inbox is akin to keeping all of your paper tasks strewn all over your desk.  There is no organization, no priority, no categorization.

If you hate having a cluttered desk, then apply the same principles to how you manage your inbox. 200+ messages hanging in that inbox is equal to having 200 notes, files, messages, sticky notes ALLLL over your desk, in no piles, or files, – just strewn all around.  That’s what you’re doing by leaving all that stuff in your inbox.

Your efforts to keep your inbox empty will hinge on the effectiveness manage all those messages coming in to your inbox. The key to this is:  GET THEM OUTA THERE!

This doesn’t mean handling or working all those items, it means organizing them. That’s where e-folders save the day. See our posts on how to set up folders 12 steps .

By creating separate folders to store emails that have arrived in your inbox, you are taking a proactive approach to the problem rather than a reactive method that will lead to stress down the line.