One Great Way to Add Focus…

This month we have been talking about focus and how important it is to helping you reach your goals.

Sometimes the ability to focus comes from your ability to detach – that was last months topic. But it is really important for you to be able to turn your on and off switches on and off!

When you think of an engine that just runs and runs and runs and runs, it can wear out. This can happen with you also. Instead – run, then take a break. Then run, then take a break.

Consider this – take a full day break from your work. I know that you might think this is heresy, but if you give yourself permission to not look at your PDA, not even think about work, and allow yourself to enjoy the other things that make your life very special, you can be re-energized when you do come back to it, which can help you focus even more. And do better work.

One way to make this happen is to actually declare it. Declare it to the people you work with, declare it to your family, declare it to your friends. Sometimes they will honor your intentions by not bothering you with work related issues. And if you happen to slip, they might even offer a gentle reminder.

Just one more way to think about enhancing your ability to focus on what it is you need to do to have the success you want in your life!

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