Do You EXPECT to Succeed?

Your attitude and the way you think can be an asset or liability in the game of success.

Here’s my thought: If You Expect to Succeed, You Will

truly wonder how many pessimistic people get ahead. Seeing the glass as half empty, thinking that they can’t possibly get promoted, not taking on tasks because they “might fail” can all be success blockers. Pessimists are much less likely to take even well-calculated risks and put the positive energy required to succeed into the tasks they face. They expect poor results, and guess what? They get them!

Positive expectations, on the other hand, have proven to enhance peoples’ intellectual, physical and social performance. Optimists are likely to be more energetic, risk taking, tolerant and creative than their grumpier peers.

It is really a catch-22 — if you’re pessimistic and expect to fail in the end, then you’ll perform less well, disappoint yourself and your supervisors, and end up proving your negative expectations. It can become a self fulfilling prophecy.

So, how optimistic are you? Rate yourself, right now, on a scale of 1-10. Then ask several people close to you to do the same. If you’re coming up 7 or lower, consider an attitude adjustment, because you might be doing a number on your chances for success.

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