The Risk of Multi-Tasking

The Risk of Multi-Tasking Resist the urge to do two things at once, because at least one will suffer – Marsha Egan

Godin on the Cost of Failure

“The tiny cost of failure is dwarfed by the huge cost of not trying.” – Seth Godin What one thing can you “try more” about?

William Penn on the Secret to Happiness

“The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while other are adding  up their troubles.” – William Penn What you focus on impacts your success – blessings or troubles?

Babe Ruth on Striking Out…

Never let the fear of striking out keep you from coming up to bat. -Babe Ruth What “at bats” have you been avoiding?

Wisdom from Yoda

Do or do not. There is no try.  –Yoda, Jedi Master When a client says to me, “I will try,” I respond with, “well, will you or will you not?”

Problems are… ???

Problems are only opportunities in work clothes.” – Henry Kaiser I like to say “problems are challenges.” It changes the aura of the situation, doesn’t it?