Success Strategies

Marsha Egan is passionate about enabling others’ success. To that end, she invested time in becoming board certified as a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) and has reached the CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) designation, one of less than 1000 worldwide.

She’s created a myriad of tools, references, articles, assessments, videos and resources that are available on this website for you to peruse. Here are just some of them:

Lead with confidence from the inside out!

Boost your Inner Clout: Master the 7 attitudes & aptitudes that enable your personal and professional success. Success, or “clout,” starts with you – your mental attitude, your confidence, your compass, your drive. Become an advocate of success – inside out, and watch the world open up for you!

Excellence Mindset

Strong personal foundation. Strives for excellence. Integrity. Respect. Altruisim. Seeks the win:win. Greatness. Virtue.

This mindset lays the foundation for all success. When we talk about an Excellence Mindset, we’re talking about a personal foundation that drives people toward excellence. This includes traits such as honesty, integrity, authenticity, and trustworthiness. To be successful, you must have a base that others admire and trust. People with an Excellence Mindset have an altruistic view toward all pursuits. Their etiquette and respect for others is impeccable. They are authentic – true to themselves and to others. They are other-directed. People with an Excellence Mindset devote themselves to continuous improvement; they are always working to learn more and add more value. Their handshake is gold. An Excellence Mindset means having a positive, caring, honest foundation. And it is the base of your transformation.


Workshop: Leadership Excellence Series
Article: No One is Perfect

Self Ownership

Self love. Confidence. Own your attitude. Congruent thoughts, words and actions. Lives in the moment. The present is perfect. Passion. Self improvement. Self acceptance. Sets boundaries. Positive attitude. Fun. Needless.Authentic

Self Ownership is based on exceptional self-confidence. People with Self Ownership unconditionally love themselves and accept their minor imperfections. They take responsibility for their lives and actions. People with Self Ownership are not needy. The decisions they make are based on a clear assessment of the facts and are not clouded by other needs. Self Ownership means being comfortable in your own shoes and owning your attitudes. By living in the moment, those high in Self Ownership possess a positive outlook on life that comes from satisfaction within. Self Ownership enables passion for everything. It allows authentic happiness to permeate your life.

Priority Focus

Time management. Life management. Balance. Clarity of purpose. Goal driven. Effective planning. Focus. Vision.

Priority Focus is your ability to set the right priorities and manage your life. By establishing a vision and mission for your life, you have a target to seek. Driven by setting goals and celebrating achievements, this attribute is an obvious enabler of success. Being Priority Focused involves having life balance, which provides energy for the various pursuits in your life. Managing your time and your life is a key to your success. When the tasks of the day are congruent with your larger career and life goals, success can be reached faster, more satisfyingly and even more easily. Defining a vision for your life breeds success in its pursuit, and sets you up to achieve all that and more.


Workshop: Time Management Workshop
Workshop: Goal Planning Workshop

Influence Savvy

Motivator. Listener. Mentor. Energy infused communications. Sells ideas. Collaborator. Attracts followers. Respect. Altruism. Magnetic.

Influence Savvy individuals sell ideas, run great meetings that get things done, negotiate, get along with others, and motivate success. They are able to communicate via the written word as well as the spoken. People are drawn to whatever message or cause is articulated. The ability to make friends, build alliances, and get along with business associates is absolutely essential to the attainment of success. All communication is congruent with who you are. To be Influence Savvy means both formal and informal leadership. When you possess Influence Savvy, your ability to get work done through people is strong, energizing, and consensus building – a key to your success.


Book: Making Good Meetings Great
Article: Meetings Can Make or Break Your Career

Networking Brilliance

Builds alliances. Connected. Connector. Values relationships. Passion for helping others. Stays in touch. Reciprocator. Referral Mindset. Enjoys networking. Helps others succeed.

Networking Brilliance brings success through building, maintaining, and expanding mutually beneficial relationships. Engaging reciprocal networks energize all parties involved. Networking Brilliance means having a referral engine and many sources of connection. By building alliances, you help others achieve their success. These people value relationships and stay in touch with others. They serve as mentors and help bring other people along. The want and help others’ success. Their network is as good to them as they are to it. And it works because it is altruistic and other-directed.


Audios: Networking Brilliance 3 Audio Bundle
Article: Think About Networking in a New Way

Change Exuberance

Embraces change. Proactive. Optimistic about the world. Curious. Victimless. Sees opportunity in change.

Change Exuberance is an attribute of people who embrace change. They see opportunities and seek to make the best of their new future. These people are curious and excited about what’s ahead. They don’t feel victimized by the changes that are happening to them; they seek opportunity. Change Exuberance involves excitement about the future, and optimism about the world. With an intuitive look toward the future, these people shine above others who resist change.


Assessment: Resilience Assessment
Article: Five Tips on Dealing with Change

Action Aptitude

Acts. Starts. Finisher. Creates opportunities. Honors promises. Creates luck. Achieves goals. Fulfills commitments. Celebrates!!!

Action Aptitude is perhaps the most important of the seven. It permeates all others. Without taking action, none of the other attributes and attitudes can be effective. A person with an Action Aptitude creates his or her own opportunities. They are proactive. These people can be relied upon to do what is promised every time. Goal attainment is the norm. Those with an Action Aptitude don’t just “talk about it” – they do it. They act on thier beliefs. Nothing happens without action, so successful people engage action on the path to success.


Article: Make Appointments with Yourself
Article: Career Strategy: Ask for Help!