
“Leader as Coach” Workshop

Do you coach or do you direct?

Do you own the result or does the employee?

Do you provide the energy or does the worker?

Coaching has gained prominence in business performance. As a business leader, are you a coach or an authoritarian? Do your workers love their jobs or do you just wish they do?

This workshop will define the differences between coaching and “telling,” and give you the tools to coach your employees so that they lead themselves.

This workshop can help leader coaches create a positive connection with employees, identify issues and risks that may impede their performance, promote their confidence and measure their progress and success.

Coaching is about questioning and listening. Participants will be given tools that will enhance their coaching conversations, which should go straight to the bottom line.

You will learn:

  • The difference between coaching and directing
  • The elements of the effective coaching conversation
  • How goals and targets enable a synergistic coaching relationship
  • Coaching techniques that will enhance your leadership impact.

Just remember…

Coaching provides direction, guidance, advice or support to help individuals achieve an objective. In organizations, coaching can be used to help employees develop professionally, enhance their work performance and contribute to the overall goals and success of the organization.

Call us today, and ramp up your coaching skills as soon as possible! 877-749-4036