Small changes can make big differences in your journey to success. We call these "Great Points." Join Marsha Egan, CSP, PCC, professional coach and success strategist for brief yet hard hitting suggestions that can make your life even more productive, fulfilling and prosperous.

Look for our new podcast episodes on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month.

Great Points Podcast: Is it Life Balance or Life Priorities?

Listen to this brief podcast challenging your assumptions about life balance, and reap a few tips to increase your life satisfaction…


Great Points Podcast: Tame Those Distractions for Better Focus

Here are some great points about how to clear the decks so that you can focus on what’s important. A 2 1/2 minute listen, give it a try!


Great Point Podcast: How Your Ability to Focus Directly Impacts Your Success

Focus Focus Focus! It will help you achieve your dreams. Listen to this brief (3 minute) podcast to jog your thoughts…


Great Points Podcast: Reward Thyself!

Do you find it difficult to reward yourself? Pat yourself on the back? It is important! Listen to this brief podcast for why and how…


Great Point Podcast: Rewards and Motivating…Anyone

It is so easy to reward and appreciate the people in your life, yet sometimes hard to get to it. Listen to this quick podcast for a quick energizer!


Great Points Podcast: The Thing about Asserting Yourself…

As we strive to assert rather than attack, and even when we hone our assertiveness skills to the max, there are risks. Listen to this podcast for perspective…!


Great Points Podcast – Assertive or Aggressive?

There is one huge difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness. Listen to this quick podcast to find out…


Great Points Podcast: Have You Tried a “Boundary Cocoon?”

If you are a giver, you might benefit from setting boundaries to defend against the “takers” in your life. Listen to this brief podcast for the why and how. And learn about a “boundary cocoon.”


Another Great Points Podcast: Setting Boundaries at Work

Should you set boundaries at work?! Of course. Listen to this brief podcast for the why and how!
